Information. It all starts with information. Information exists. Everywhere. According to Merriam-Webster's Online dictionary, information is knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction; knowledge is the range of one's information or understanding; learning is knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study (m-w.com, 2007). These three words are similar and are linked and have instruction in common. I see all information as a learning opportunity whether it is an advertisement, a news article, the weather, or a math textbook; every piece of information in the world is meant to teach someone something. Whether it is to teach them about a product, a procedure, or an event; it's all about teaching them the piece of information that we want them to learn. How we market that information instructionally determines how the person will learn it or whether they will learn it at all. Merriam-Webster defines marketing as the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service and instruction as the action, practice, or profession of teaching (m-w.com, 2007). |
Therefore, I define Information Marketing as the process of promoting and distributing knowledge obtained from study or instruction and Information Marketing Instruction as the practice of teaching the process of promoting and distributing knowledge obtained from study or instruction. I am very interested in this relationship between information, marketing, and instruction.
So what are learning, knowledge, and information? Information is anything to be learned. Knowledge is an understanding of information learned. Learning is an observable and measurable change in behavior through knowledge of information.
My Professional Qualifications |
- I am an Instructional Web Designer, committed to life-long learning of skills and knowledge with a variety of experiences in education, information technology, business, and retail.
- I specialize in the design and development of computer-based (CBT) and Web-based (WBT) instructional materials.
- I have extensive experience with both PC and MAC computer systems, and am qualified in inter-office computer hardware and software troubleshooting and staff training.
My Software Skills |
Advanced / Intermediate
I use these regularly: |
Intermediate Knowledge
I use these frequently: |
Basic Knowledge
I use these occasionally: |
- Browsers: Firefox, Safari, & Chrome, Internet Explorer
- HTML & CSS coding
- Adobe Acrobat X Professional
- Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5
- Adobe Photoshop CS5.5
- ViewletBuilder4
- Adobe Captivate 5
- Microsoft Word, PowerPoint: Mac 2011
- Microsoft Word, Publisher, PowerPoint: PC 2010
- Javascript coding
- Microsoft Excel: Mac 2011, PC 2003/2010
- Microsoft Access: PC 2003
- Adobe InDesign CS5.5
- iMovie, iTunes, iPhoto
- Adobe Fireworks CS3
- EndNote X & X1
- Dragon Naturally Speaking 8
- Movie Maker
- DirectorMX
- Authorware 7
My Home Office |
My home office includes the following: |
Communication: E-mail, modem, office phone, fax, scanner, Acrobat PDF, WiFi network, Hi-speed broadband Internet service, iPhone, Instant Messaging and Web conference available. |
Software: OSX, Windows XP Pro, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, MS Office 2007, Adobe Creative Suite 3 (CS3) Web Premium (Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop), Adobe InDesign CS3, Captivate 3, Office: Mac 2004 & 2008, EndNote X & X1, and Dragon Naturally Speaking 8. |
Equipment: MacBook with BootCamp (120GB HDD, partitioned 80GB OSX, 40GB XP), Parallels, Windows XP Pro, 22" screen, color laser printer, color flat-bed, auto-document feed (ADF) scanner, B&W laser multi-function printer, DVD-RW, CD-RW, digital camera, Web cam, headset and microphone, ergonomic office chair and desk, multiple back-up storage locations and procedures, hard-copy scanning for digital storage. |
Workspace: Private home office work space with window, overhead & task lighting.
Interruption avoidance techniques include regular work hours, an understanding and supportive family, and noise & distraction avoidance techniques. |
Today is
. Enjoy your day. |